Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This is awesome!!

Oh the Lord does indeed work in mysterious ways.  The non-believers will no doubt chalk this up to chance.  I, however, am struck with awe and wonder at the Glory of Our Lord!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Santa is EVIL!!!

Ha ha ha.  I came across this post and if you don't find the article funny, just scroll through the comments below and get a good laugh.

This is sad.

We need to pray for this little boy and his family.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Oh Quebec

Apparently tolerance is not enough.  All of those who do not agree that homosex serves no natural purpose and is morally disordered are afraid homosexuals and this must be stopped.  We will force you to accept our way of life.  We will force your children to accept our way of life.  We will force your God to accept our way of life.  Thus we will force you to not be afraid of homosexuals.  Because there's nothing to be afraid of really.
In a society where there is such emphasis on the need for separation of Church and State why does the State have such an unhealthy interest in controlling the Church?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mammon is keeping up the fight.

Well kudos to TTC for turning down the proposed Ashley Madison ads.  Unfortunately I guess there's no such thing as leaving well-enough alone.  It looks as though she really wants us to know she's a tramp!

Archbishop Sheen...The Devil Part 2

Friday, December 11, 2009

Mark Shea.....

Mark enlightens again with his insights on our current culture.

Catholic and Enjoying It!: Where Our Ruling Classes are Going

Mammon is at it again!

I sincerely hope that the Toronto Transit Corp. has enough sense to realize that this is just wrong.  The fact that a website like this exists is disturbing enough in itself, let alone the idea that people would consider encouraging this kind of behaviour to save $0.75.  I have to wonder if Ashley Madison is a divorce lawyer?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mass for the Unborn and their Mothers

St. Peter's Cathedral Basilica in London, Ontario is having a Mass for the Unborn and their Mothers on December 28, 2009 at 7:30p.m. preceded by the Rosary at 7:00.  O come all ye faithful!!

Gives a new meaning to Bazooka Joe!

Don't get me wrong, this is a terrible accident, but what a way to go.

I love Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

A true hero of the Catholic Faith.

This is part one of his talk about the devil.  The rest of the talk can be found at youtube or if you're patient I'll link the rest of them over the next couple of weeks.

Here is another gem..

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Day

I hope everyone remembers that today is a Holy Day of Obligation, The Feast of the Immaculate Conception, so go to Mass!!!